Chase the Queen is the newest and one of the most exciting fundraising opportunities The EMpact One Foundation Hosts!
So how does it work?
$10.00 buys you a chance to chase the queen! Chances can be purchased via PayPal, CashApp, Venmo, or traditional cash methods. Every week the pot grows; the current pot is $1,920! Each Wednesday everyone who has purchased a chance has their name added to the Big Wheel and at NOON we spin to see who our lucky chaser will be. Whoever is chosen has the opportunity to choose a card from those remaining on the board to see if they can find the queen. If the queen isn’t found the pot reopens and continues to grow for the next week! When the queen is found the lucky Chaser will win HALF the POT!
Don’t miss out on this super fun opportunity to test your luck, support an amazing organization, and maybe win some cold hard cash!